Education Education

How to Open a Charter School

How to Open Charter School_

For opening a charter school you should follow the steps specified below.

Complying with Charter School Laws:

  • assess the legality of charter schools;
  • assess the capacity constrictions;
  • define if new charter schools are allowed for the opening.

Planning Your Charter School:

  • judge your level of commitment;
  • specify the main idea of a charter school;
  • find a mission statement;
  • form your governance;
  • define a budget;
  • find a location;
  • file your petition.

Starting Your Charter School:

  • surf your state’s Department of Education website;
  • draft and submit a letter of intention to open a charter school;
  • wait for approval;
  • employ the staff;
  • open an application for enrollment;
  • monitor progress.

Charter Schools: How and When They Were Open?

Charter schools appeared in the United States in the early 1990s. These schools exist outside the system of traditional public schools, they are referred to the alternative education system, but they are partially funded by the state. Charter schools receive a portion of their budget from various charitable foundations and try to attract the best teachers. There are fewer children in such schools than in traditional state schools, and the average performance in them is higher.

The reduced number of bureaucratic procedures in charter schools result in much more money is spent on the education of each child. Even, more money is often invested in traditional schools but because of the bureaucracy, much less money was spent on the children’s needs.

President Obama was so pleasantly surprised by the performance of charter schools that he decided to constantly increase their number in cities, where academic performance leaves much to be desired. Mark Zuckerberg also saw that such schools, along with a market system for assessing teachers, could be the future of secondary education.

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According to Mark’s plan, his money should have opened charter schools, reform existing ones, and teachers should be judged solely on the performance of their students, and not on work experience and age.

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